i'm still kickin'. just playing catch-up. trying to stick to my "to do" list.
there's always a "to do" list. couldn't live without one.
anywho.....aside from the typical housework, i've been busy with:
dr appts
switching over seasonal clothes---what a chore
crafts and fieldtrips with ashlyn
editing/purging digital pics
and fixing dinners for my neighbor who had a major surgery
ashlyn's been home from preschool all week so i've had my hands busy with trying to keep her entertained. so, she painted her first canvas this past week. i helped with the yellow flower, brown circles and started the first color on the rainbow for her......otherwise it was all her doing. not too shabby for a 4-year-old.

i also crossed another painting project off my list.
painted parts of the entertainment center to tie in the black. hated it at first, but now i LOVE it. (thanks for the suggestion suzi!)

also finally decided on a paint color----took two tries, but now i feel comfortable with the choice.
the small patch on the right--Ranchwood. glad i don't have to stress about that anymore. now just to find the time to paint.

then, this past week, doug and i had the bright idea to expand our front flower bed--doubling it in size. then remove ALL of the perinnials from it---add in some new; a rhododendren, an azalea tree, azalea bush--then replant most of the perinnials back in---just better spaced out. we still have the chore of replacing the landscaping rocks. but it looks sooooooooo much better. we also added some more perrinials to the backyard landscaping. i'll take pictures soon.
me and the girls went to the franklin park conversatory to see the butterfly exhibit. it was awesome! they have the cacoons hanging in the window of the specimen room so that you can watch the butterflys emerge from them. ashlyn was truly fascinated by the whole process. they also had the most amazing blown glass pieces on display throughout the conservatory. my favorite was the floating balls in the butterfly room. they were in a pond of sorts with ginormous goldfish swimming around them.

thursday, i had an entire day to myself---thanks honey! i drove up to polaris to shop, relax, eat and shop some more. had me a fantabulous starbucks caramel frappaccino and chipotle vegetarian fajita burrito....hmmmmmmmmmm. hit the scrapbook store while i was there---spent a measly $10. anywho....just the refreshment i needed. time away.
here's a few assignments i worked on yesterday---will be published in a July 4th book by Pinecone. (both are ashlyn as a baby--in case you couldn't figure it out.)

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