Thursday, June 14, 2007

we got the call........

and she qualifies for special needs pre-K!
so now we just need to make the decision.
pre-K or K.

i've gotten lots of advice from friends that waiting the extra year on kindergarten is the way to go. some that waited, some that didn't have a choice due to birthday's and cut-offs and some that went ahead and sent them and kinda regret it now. and these are parents that don't have a special needs child.

i want to send her to pre-K.
doug and i haven't talked details yet about all the conversations i've had with the schools, but off the cuff he says kindergarten.

we'll talk it through tonight.

1 comment:

  1. we have been sending Mikkel to special needs Preschool and it has been the best thing we have ever done You'll be happy later and will see results soon-nena


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