it's official.
i'm 30 now.
despite the number climbing, i had a quite the wonderful birthday with my family!
suzi made her way over with this yummilicious cake!

was seranaded via voicemail by becca with a little happy birthday ditty. totally made me cry. just call me miss emotional basketcase lately. for obvious reasons.
got to get out of the house and do a little window shopping at the Container Store----man, that place makes me happy. just the thought of how organized i could be with merchandise from that store makes me swell with joy......i just might explode if i got to buy some of the stuff to organize things around here. ha.
dad took me and the family out to dinner at PF Chang's-----YUMMO! my first time ever to eat there and it didn't disappoint! delicious! nothing better than the lettuce wraps.

the kids could have cared less.......they were thrilled to play with the chopsticks and miss emma was enjoying using me as her jungle gym the whole time (the only not fun part of the whole day)

suzi was the official picture taker of the festivities...........she got TONS of cute ones, but these are few more of my favorites.

oh, sidetracking here. don't want to forget this funny story. at the funeral last week, my aunt asked me who the man was that was playing with emma. i looked at her strangely thinking, hmmmmmm.....doug has her. but she knows doug, so then i started going down the list. can't be dad, she knows him, can't be dale (my step-dad) he's behind me, not my brother, she knows him. anywho. i said, not sure. a few minutes later she pulled me aside and said, "there. who's that playing with her?" she was pointing at doug. bwaaahaaaaaa. it was hysterical. she hadn't seen doug in a long time and last time she saw him he was a little bit thinner, had a short haircut and it was brownish-blonde in color. he's had an extreme image makeover since then. too funny!
okay, back to picture sharing.....
this one just melts my heart.

my little mini-me. seriously. my toddler twin.

the fortune in my cookie. you know. thanks to my husband, and i'm not quite sure when or where this started, but whenever you read a fortune he has this "rule" you have to add the words "in bed." to the end. some of them can be quite comical with those 2 extra words added.

then dad took us all to Cool Cravings, a local ice-cream parlor. and i captured this little gem.

and i escaped the 30 whacks across the hiney! phew!
Happy Birthday. :)