Friday, January 25, 2008

the way she thinks...

december 4th. lunchtime. ashlyn asks......

"mommy, do all fish go to the ocean when they get flushed down the toilet?"

me: (not sure how to answer, and a little preoccupied trying to get lunch ready and get out the door to work on time---knowing she's thinking of the movie Finding Nemo) uh huh.

ash: (a little disturbed and confused) "well, then does my poop go to the ocean when it gets flushed down the toilet?"

me: (uh oh....i can see she's heading for a "freak-out" meltdown) no honey. but fish really don't go to the ocean when we flush them either, silly.

ash: (whining, murmuring, complaining) oh man. whyyyyyyyy not mommy? where'd my fishy go when you flushed it then?

mind you. we flushed that fish years ago.
she remembers E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.

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