Saturday, May 24, 2008

hello blog. my name is tania.

and we need to get reaqainted.
are you free this weekend?
oh, you are!?
then it's a date.

we have lots of catching up to do, ya know.
i can't wait to tell you about the bounty party, and goldie, and the memorial service, and bluey, and the farm, and show you some pictures, and the new school, and, and, and...........

but i need a little time to find the pictures, okay.

soon. like sometime today.
i know it's killing you to wait........

1 comment:

thank you for taking time to connect with me in this space! i will do my best to leave comments answering any questions you may ask. if you are commenting on an older post and you dont see your comment publish right away it is because I have comments set to be approved before publishing on any blog posts older than 10 days old due to a recent influx of comment spammers. i will see your comment, approve it and reply to you....if it isnt spam. xoxo :)


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