Tuesday, January 13, 2009


shhhhhhhhh! don't tell her, but i think i'm liking Tuesdays a whole lot more than she likes her Mondays. phew. monday mornings are beginning to be the not-so-favorite day of the week around here. it's quite a jolt to my soul after taking sunday as a day of rest. does that mean i'm getting old when it takes me a whole day to get back into that rhythm of the week thing?

anywho. that class, started today! i'm all giddy excited about it, naturally. i've missed teaching so very much. it isn't too late to sign up. in fact, if you been teetering back and forth on the "should i, or shouldn't i" fence and want some questions answered, i'll be holding a chat tomorrow night and sharing a free tutorial. oh, and there'll be a giveaway too! details forthcoming on how to get yourself ready to chat!

hey dad! get this...........there are ladies from Brazil, Australia......and all over the world, currently enrolled in my class! how cool is that!??

taking friday night off threw me all outta whack. 'cause i really took the night off. i came home, plopped myself in the chair and did nothing all.night.long. didn't even think of touching that laundry. i think saturday i finally folded a load or two. but the washing continued, so we're still living out of sorted baskets. such is the life of a freelance designer at tradeshow time. hahaha. i've learned to live with it, i suppose.

i have so many stories to tell and photos to share...........but it'll have to wait. back to the studio to get those last few projects done. thank goodness i picked a husband who picks up right where i leave off. seriously, i wouldn't have my sanity without him.

ps. kristin. yes, it's the one beside Cosi. it'll change ownership to Baja Sol in just a month.

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