Friday, December 31, 2010

december daily: day 17 the school parties & christmas lights

school party & early release for winter break day = sugar overload.

and two surprised little girls. i showed up an hour early to pick them up from school so i could drop in on their class holiday party.

ashlyn with one of her bestest friends. we'll call her double S.

and spidergirl loaded up with the loot and wearing a santa hat that's three sizes too small for her. LOL.

posing with the boyfriend who chases her down to give her kisses at recess. the one who spidergirl is in love with because he looks just like her cousin justin.

later that night we spent out with my dad, stepmom and grandma eating at IHOP and then chasing down a Christmas light display in Pickerington (photo taken from their website).

21 houses all on one street synchronized together to Christmas music= SPECTACULAR!
dinner at IHOP = chaos. my kids don't get out enough. clearly that's my excuse.

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