Thursday, May 05, 2011

how embarrassing....

i'm stuck in the midst of this mess. LOL.

this is the first thing i see when i walk into my studio right now. OY!

the mister has to walk through this room to get to his man cave. but, he's never ever ever told me to clean it up. he's so patient. :)

this is the kids' corner. well, i have to be honest....i've kinda taken over it temporarily too.

and this is the only part of the floor i'll allow you to see at the moment, LOL.

see? embarrassing. mom would most definitely not approve.

i think i'll be spending National Scrapbook Day on saturday cleaning instead of scrapbooking! hahaha.

any guesses on how long it will take for me to recover it back to a clean studio after the last month's worth of deadlines?

ps. it's really not as bad as it looks----but it's still embarrassing.
pps. just keepin' it real folks, just keepin' it real. :)


  1. man has to go through my space too to get to his "ultra clean"
    mancave/office and unfortunately, mine does complain if it's the least bit messy...but if you've seen pics of my space, you'd know I just ignore him! great way to spend NSD, you will probably find lots of goodies you forgot you had!

  2. My space is in the middle of the house between the living room and kitchen in what is hopefully called 'the dining room, so everyone walks through here and I create amidst the ironing pile! At least everyone in the house leave their mess here so I can try and claim it isn't just me!

    Love the idea of a 'man cave'. If mine had one it would be made from leads and wires and motherboards and other technical gadgetry.

  3. I don't have a "room" I scrap in the living room with a folding table....right in front of the front door!!! I feel ya.....if I had a room, well, yeah, it would look like corner is slighty (cough cough) messy and the area in one of the rooms where I keep some stuff...well, I can't get to it! LOL

  4. Nothing to be embarassed just means that you have been very creative lately! I'm very creative in my space too! hehee! :) Have a great National Scrapbook Day/Weekend!


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