Saturday, May 07, 2005

girl's night out!

gotta love that phrase! i have to admit, that the devil was trying everything possible today to break up plans for us girls to get together. poor little "a" was sick and needed daddy to stay home, i had a pounding headache all day, sitters not confirmed until late last night...the list could go on. i am thankful that plans didn't cave. tonight was so encouraging and uplifting. i spent time with some long-time friends that i lost connection with during the 5 years i lived in canton. the coolest part....we picked up right where we left off! i absolutely LOVE those kind of bitterness, no harsh feelings, just girls.....lovin' each other and being a blessing to each other! God has put some amazing people in my life and i never want to take that for granted. tonight it was just the girls. giggling. sharing. uplifting. encouraging. confiding. and chocolate! i can't get any better than that! kick the hubby out, grab a sitter for the kids, and just hang with the girls. pure bliss! why don't i do this more often?? (note to self: plan a girls night at least monthly!)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an awesome time! You should do that more often! :)


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