Wednesday, July 27, 2005

more about chicago....

CHA was awesome! the gathering of massive amounts of people who are just as dedicated to the scrapbooking hobby as i am. somewhat surreal. very cool. i got to meet a ton of "big names" while i was in particular that i can't wait to tell my grammy lou about--patricia hauser. super, super talented artist known in the painting world. i got pictures with her too!
anywho....i also got to meet julianna hudginson, laurie from trading spaces, and the list goes on. i'll remember more names once i get my pictures developed.

another thing that was so bizarre was being there and having complete strangers recognize me. it's always been my dream to be "somebody" in the industry, but it was a little weird, LOL! cool, but weird. really i'm still "nobody".....but have just made enough connections that people remember me. i just have one of those recognizable faces.

i was asked by shane from Luv2Scrapbook in Ft Wayne, IN to come out and be a guest teacher! super psyched about that! and get this.....a store owner in puerto rico who has a pinecone bookclub wants me to make an appearance and teach.....holy cow. i may pass that one up until i get over my new fear of flying. after manchester i'm not sure if i want back on a plane. but still cool to be asked. anywho.....i made tons of other connections with manufacturer's and even have had them contact me after the show asking if there is any product i need for upcoming projects! awesome.

the biggest news of all.......

another one of my dreams has come true!!!!

*drum roll please*

i will be designing for one FABULOUS manufacturer!!!

thank you JODI!!
i can't wait to work with this fantatic team!

another news....i may be traveling to the Mall of America for their hugmungous scrapbooking event to run some make-n-take sessions with Heidi Grace! can't wait!

now i just have to get my bootay in gear and sort through the massive amounts of cards i have and start making my follow-up connections with these manufacturers. fun, fun!

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