Monday, August 22, 2005

sickie ickies go away....

they are holding us hostage! our family has been battling illness for the past 2 least. ick! first it was a sinus cold attacking us all, now it is some sort of odd stomach virus. affecting each of us differently. we're all worn out. moping around with no energy. aching tummies. pounding headaches. not fun.

sickie ickies go away......NOW!

on another was promising to be an interesting day with both girls up at 6:00AM! YIKES! what is up with that?? wayyyyy toooooo early for this household, lol!
anywho....they were both up until about 8:00am and we all went back to bed. em and i got back up at 10:30 and miss ash slept until 11:15!! you go girl!!! she needed the rest after being up sick for 2 nights in a row.....poor thing.
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gotta run now....miss em is fussier than ever today. i hope with all my might that this virus isn't attacking her sweet little body. off to rock her and hold her close.

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