Thursday, November 17, 2005

it's a flippin' miracle...

ashlyn fell asleep by herself (which is a miracle in and of itself) and she stayed in HER own room, in HER own bed the entire night!

this is cause for MAJOR celebration!

*celebrate good times---come on.........come on and celebrate! celebrate, good times---come on*

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now, i happen to think this is the cutest room ever. one that any little princess would want to be in to catch up on her beauty sleep......don't you?

i was so thrilled to find this fun and funky rug at target on clearance for 5 bucks.....i repeat....5 bucks! what a steal. i think it is the perfect accent to her room! i just love how everything came together and love it even more now that she finally spent an entire night in her room all by herself!!!!

HALLELUJAH, hallelujah, hallelujah.................hallllllllllllllelujah, hallelujah, halllleeeeeeeeeehhhhhluuuuuujah!

1 comment:

  1. Cute, cute room and love that flower rug. But, I really like the paint colors in Ash's room -- so very pretty.


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