time to brace myself. we've entered a whole new stage with em. i know she's gonna take us places we've never before been in parenting. she's one determined little girl. she hesitates performing a new task for months and months and months (just for the pure fact that she is stubborn and wants to worry every person we come across because she isn't doing what their kid is doing by this age), but when she's good and ready, she takes off like wildfire. it is so bizarre to see her develop on a completely extreme timetable as ashlyn. ash was walking at 11 months and em didn't even attempt a first step until 15--almost 16 months. but then she blows us away by spouting 2 word phrases before even saying a single word alone. anywho...it's quite comical that the new word to her vocabulary----that she says with quite demanding confidence--is "GO". in other words....get away from me, i've had enough, leave--now. she's getting quite good at it.
it's been months that we've tried to teach her to climb backwards down the stairs and by golly she's actually doing it now! and in the past few days, we've really entered a whole new experience.
we have a climber.

ack! she's like a little monkey. turn your back for a moment and she's climbed onto the kitchen chair, up to the table top, over to the counter top and next thing you know you're hearing the "come help me, i'm in a bit of a pickle and can't get myself out" whines. heeheee. how in the heck does she get up there so fast? but this mama really knows how to use this to my advantage. yeppers, i encourage it! now i can multitask in the studio.....while i download pics from the digiR, you'll find em practicing her balancing skills.....and let me tell ya, she's got some mad skillz! pffft....who needs baby toys when you have scrapbook supplies! *grin*
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