and my reason for not posting in a few.....yesterday i got in a fight with my vegetable peeler and about cut the tip of my thumb off. ack! been kinda hard to type---or do anything for that matter---considering it was my left thumb....and i'm left handed. couldn't even button a stinkin' onesie for em. anywho....i drove to the firestation and they said it probably needed a stitch, but then said, the ER might just clip off the skin and bandage it up. i took my chances and let the firehouse doctor it up instead. doesn't look half as bad today.

before the fight--suzi and i took the girls to the historical farm. what fun. last time we went was around fall and the scenery was just gorgeous. still is. it is a MetroPark in our area, but has several hundred acres in which they've preserved an actual 1800's house/farm. the volunteer's dress in period clothing and do all the chores as they would have back in the 1800's----including they way they water the flowers, plow the land for vegetation, laundering their clothes, cooking their meals, etc. it is a super cool history lesson for children--and adults for that matter. every time i go, i have a flood of childhood memories of practically growing up on the pearce farm. anything from the smell of the house, the crisp spring air, watching the volunteers tend to the animals, the smell of the hay.....i could go on and on. the farm offers many hands-on activities for kids, geared mainly toward preschool age and on up. they have scheduled times the children can help with chores in the barn, help planting and tending to the garden, hand-pumping the water to pour on the flowers, and learning the ins and outs of farm-life in general.

they've recently had babies at the farm so the girls got to see the the little lamb and lots of piglets. didn't stay in the pig pen too long----ashlyn demanded to leave because it "smells like mookey stinks". yep you read it right moooooookey stinks. not monkey. how in the world does she make up these words?
and as always, the highlight of the visit is taking time to relax under the huge shade tree swinging on the handcrafted swing.
okay....gotta scoot. have 2 dr appointments to get to and a run to the post office......more pictures coming soon.
happy thursday!
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