it's been a busy weekend around town and a sweltering HOT weekend. we've had 90+ temps the past 4 days---very unusual for central ohio. yesterday we spent the early afternoon attending a memorial day charge at the cemetary in groveport. the kids (big and little) downed popcicle after popcicle while waiting for the band to arrive to the cemetary following the parade. doug's cousin was given the honor of playing taps for the ceremony---she did an amazing job!
after the ceremony we headed back to enjoy an afternoon with doug's side of the family who were all in town for the holiday. we don't get to see them too often, so it was nice to have them all together in one place for the day. my girls totally enjoyed hanging with their cousin for the day too---ashlyn loves being "little" mama to the little ones and emma enjoys having someone her own size to play with (most of the time).

the highlight of the afternoon was watching the big kids make fools of themselves playing on doug's newest purchase---a slip 'n slide. this is the mother of all slip 'n slides----3 tracks to slip 'n slide down with a bummer at the end that collects a pool of water and makes one heck of a splash! rock on! i, of course, remained a spectator for this event---although i did consider attempting it a few times. i knocked some sense into myself real quick and decided it wasn't worth it to risk setting myself back with the progress i've made with my back pain.
miss ash was a little skeptical at first, not wanting to get wet, or attempt to slide the 'right' way--her usual reactions to something new, but she eventually caught on and didn't want to stop.
$30 well spent.
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