Sunday, September 10, 2006

return to the familiar.

in other news, miss ash starts back to school tomorrow. she's had her bookbag packed for 4 days now with every non-essential you could name. almost too full to get it zipped. silly kid. tonight we just have to hunt down the sunglasses and the little spritzer bottle that holds her "magic" bug repellent. the kid is terrified of ants. makes for an exciting time on the playground. poor teachers.

speaking of teachers, she has the same teachers this year!!!! i couldn't be happier. it will help tons with her adjusting back to the school thing. she doesn't do well with change at all, so the familiar faces will hopefully make my life easier. we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. that is the cutest picture! I want to have another one... what am I saying...ahhhhh I'm already crazy with the four I have-nena


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