Tuesday, May 29, 2007

making progress....

it's been quite the productive Monday, errrr, Tuesday around here.
hey Torm, i'm gonna love Mondays yet.

the day would be an even bigger success if i could get in the laundry folding groove. no folding laundry yet though. BUT i did get a HUGE chunk of it folded Sunday evening and even put away. phew.

yesterday was spent cleaning out the ashlyn's room for the, ummmmm, fourth time this week. it did come with a stern warning----next time you don't clean it up, it goes in the trash. and i will, because it drives me bonkers. she is one of those outta sight, outta mind type kids. shove everything under the bed or in the closet and call it spotless. seriously, you have to wear shield and armor before opening the closet for fear you'll get clobbered by the games and such falling on top of you. not acceptable in this house.

this morning i changed her sheets, replaced all the lightbulbs, purged her drawers of the winter apparrel...which was pretty much everything in her dresser, and put away all her clean folded laundry. the short sleeve shirt drawer looks rather pathetic---guess i need to go shopping. i was hoping to hold out for some garage sales----love me some garage sales.

the room still needs dusted, which is a chore she LOVES to do herself. and the carpet steam cleaned, but that i'll let doug handle that one.

in other news, the washer is humming with the second load for the morning and the dishes have been done. i've purged the studio of discontinued karen foster products and taken inventory of my cardstock so i can reorder. and sadly, i've got 5 loads of laundry begging to be folded.

lasagna is on the menu for dinner...which, i'll prep and ashlyn will put together.

don't know how much more i'll be doing the rest of the day....my head is pounding and feels like someone has a death grip on my temples. every little noise brings a sharp stabbing pain. this is the 5th day in a row for one of these headaches to suddenly come on. ouch. almost a migraine.

come back tomorrow for some yummy recipes!

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