Friday, June 08, 2007


today, doug is home!
(but he has to work tomorrow and sunday, stink!)

this girl is having a graduation celebration tonight that we'll be attending! SO HAPPY FOR HER!

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(pssssssst.....becca! do you likey the curtains?---i'm in LOOOOOOOOOVE!)

and today i need to cram a week's worth of errands into one measly afternoon......
flower beds need some (major) weeding.
same beds need some preen & mulching.
laundry needs some folding.
grocery shopping needs done.
library returns.
trip to old navy to return some things.
trip to wally world to return some things.
a run to the post office.
hoping to stumble across some garage sales.

happy friday!

1 comment:

  1. That's to bad that your husband has to work this weekend, you should make your time together extra special this weekend then.


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