the Adventurers have arrived! at 6:30PM on the dot. and i know you're dying to know just who was up to this sneaky little adventure, eh? well, let me introduce you to....
Adventurer #1, Suzi. aka, the mastermind. (my best friend, also doug's cousin--"aunt" Suzi to my girls)

Adventurer #2, Andrea. aka, accomplice. (suzi's sister)

Adventurer #3, Nikki. aka, accomplice (a long-time friend/suzi's other best friend--niss Mikki to my girls)

these girls are beautiful both inside and out! i seriously would crumble into a big mess if i didn't have them around as friends to lift me up and see me through the trials of life.
so, on with the details. they picked me up 6:30PM friday night in her SUV with window paint on the back window that said something to the effect of.......well, i'll just show you.

the honks, gestures and verbal responses we got were hysterical. you know you're driving through podunk town when you roll down your window at a stop light and say to the car next to you...."hey, it's my birthday---honk!" and they respond..."i would, but i don't have a horn."
anywho. they took me an hour from here to Hocking Hills/Old Man's Cave. a gorgeous, lush green area with beautiful above ground caves, cliffs and waterfalls that were barely trickling from the extreme heat we've had-----but it's still gorgeous without all the waterfalls. and just as slippery. just sayin'.
we checked into the hotel and they had me open a card and 2 small gifts. the card was for a little boy's birthday that had a birthday sherriff sticker i had to wear and they also got a lightup tiara from the dollar store and a lightup wand that i had to carry to dinner. a total hoot!

dinner at bob's because apparently when you are in the boonies the only places available for "safe" consumption are McDonald's and Bob's. you just don't stop at any old mom and pop diner on a road trip. you know what i mean.

after dinner we made a quick trip to wally world for some necessities, then back to the hotel room to open my gift. they put together a pampering basket (nail polish remover, french manicure kit, loofah sponge, bubble bath, lotion, body splash, avacado face mask, a chick flick, popcorn, my favorite movie snacks--sour patch kids, hot tamales, etc, and a flat iron hair straightener. i'll spare you all those pictures.....for now anyway.
oh, and more birthday cake.

we watched a chick flick--Because I Said So.
saturday we spent the early afternoon at the caves hiking--which is totally in my element.....i love stuff like that. makes you feel so alive to feel your muscles working and your heart beating.

and this sign was meant just for me. if only i'd seen it *prior* to hiking i just might have been okay.

so the story goes a little something like this. climb up into the little alcove with andrea. little, but high off the ground. and slippery. 'nuff said. i totally biffed. it was hysterical. then, we saw the sign above and burned off a few calories laughing all over again.
went over to Ash Cave and had a picnic lunch, did a little shopping. here's one from Ash Cave. it totally doesn't do it justice.

went swimming and hottubbing. sorry no picture from that. i know, you're so disappointed. you'll get over it. right?
saturday night we got all dolled up for dinner out and a little photo shoot. totally fun. here's my 3 faves...

watched another chick flick---Sleepover. then totally giggled all night long like little girls. we have lots of crazy silly pictures from that night. getting a little burned out on resizing pictures, so they'll have to wait for another day.
sunday we spent scouting out the antique shops. another thing that is totally in my element. i'm all for repurposing, recycling, reusing. found lots of stuff i wanted to buy, but let the temptation pass me by. i was looking for the pink gooseberry pyrex, but didn't find any. oh, and crocheted afaghans. i want one so bad. i really need to just give up and learn how to make one myself.
no pictures from the antique shops either----it was pouring buckets and buckets of rain and i didn't want my camera to see its end.
got back sunday and remember that doug took the kids out of town, so the house was quiet. total bliss. took a nap.
then went back out with suzi to watch Hairspray. good flick. i'll be buying that one.
definitely a birthday i will never forget----it was everything i needed. being away from life's troubles, focusing solely on having fun with no motherly responsibilities for the whole weekend. ahhhhhhh!
GIRLS, errr Adventurers, words can't THANK YOU enough! seriously. thank you.
and total props to doug for being in on the whole thing and keeping the kids all weekend. he's cool like that. *smooches* babe.
I am so happy for you to have such fabulous friends!! What a weekend. Thanks for sharing it!
ReplyDeleteSuzi and the Adventurers are truly beautiful friends. How awesome to have them in your life, especially when you need a lift. Looks like you girls had oodles of fun!
ReplyDeleteK I love that suzi and these girls did this for you it sounds like you guys had a hoot-nena
ReplyDeleteWhat a great, great story and what wonderful friends you have!!!