Friday, January 25, 2008

i present to you........

my new bedroom.
kinda sorta.

i still have some things to do, finishing touches. but seeing how we have all been *cough*cough*cough*cough* deep breath *cough*cough*cough*cough* ummmmmm, sick, nothing has been getting done around here other than megadoses of sleep, in between working and chasing down dinner with that syrup-y cough stuff. mmmmmmm. NOT.

the (very messy) before:

and the (still in need of some love) after:



we need to adjust or probably even move the frames over the bed. i was thinking of some decorative paper in them to create some artwork on the other light blue wall (not shown). and a few of my clay pot saucers need re-hung. and we really need new bedding....this one has been well loved and is quite worn. baby steps. baby steps. right now all our fundage is going to doctors and pharmacies.

i'm really itching to get emma's room painted/decorated. i've been collecting stuff here and there for it for about 2 years now. i'm the queen of frugal shopping and not much of an impulse buyer.....or an impulse do-er, for that fact. it's gotta brew for a while. but i *think* i'm finally ready to tackle the monster that is her room.


  1. Tania - it looks awesome!! I love the colors and how your painting ties it all together! Wanna come do my room?! :)

  2. the frames are hot! love everything! great job!

  3. I'm loving the colors of your bedroom!!!! Fabulous, Tania!!!!!!!!


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