Sunday, February 17, 2008

free family fun

saturday was all about having fun. free fun! free family fun.

being in a big city, there is lots that we've found to do, for free----or pretty close to free, if you consider the parking fee at the library downtown. they charge now for less than an hour. what's up with that?

doug takes the kids at least once a month to a church in grove city that has an indoor play area. gives me a few hours to myself which i usually never spend doing something for myself. usually a trip to the grocery, or cleaning house is what i do. but this time. i went along.

anywho. the playarea has tubes and tunnels (like chuck e cheese's), a rock climbing wall, a few video games......yeah, i still rock the Mrs. PacMan, and emma's favorite---air hockey.

she's good at air hockey. so we save up our nickels and go play air hockey. over and over and over and over and over.


the funniest part of the whole visit. this scenario, right here:

looks like doug is just giving em a few pointers on how to play the game, right? innocent enough. but in reality they were arguing over who's turn it was to play. my turn, no my turn daddy, no my turn emma, NO! my turn daddy. seriously. it was hysterical. trying to reason with a toddler is pretty much pointless. guess you had to be there. but it was funny.

and this picture that doug snapped. but it pretty much sums up her attitude lately. full of SASS.

after exhausting our nickel supply, we headed over the library to read off some fines. did you know you could read off your fines at the library? don't even tell me you don't have library fines. like you're better than me or somethin'. i don't have it all together, which means, we have library fines. egads! so we went to the library in search of some books to help dwindle down the balance. $8 per hour credit. but don't they know you can't get a kid to sit still for an HOUR while you read to them. duh!

but, we signed up anyway. picked out our books. picked out our cozy little reading corner and started reading.

worked a little on the apprehension 'bout losing her first tooth. most days, she's perfectly okay for all of her teeth to stay put. FOREVER. but then, every now and again, she get's excited about wiggling that tooth loose and waiting for the tooth fairy to visit. she's already written the note to the tooth fairy to go with her tooth when it falls out. after buttering up the fairy with all this non-sense about how much she loves her, she then goes on to request gobs of money....enough to take a trip to the princesses' house in Florida (aka Disney). what's the going rate for the tooth fairy these days anyway. someone must inform this inexperienced momma.

so......back to our saturday family day.

we came home from the library after picking some family movies and just mellowed out and relaxed. i took a lovely 45 nap. then headed out for a little me time while doug and the girls went to the park and filled up on some fresh air. they came home covered in mud and then got clean in the tub that makes bubbles.
Photobucket, i'm tired.
remind me to tell you about the movie we picked to watch.

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