Sunday, August 10, 2008

i like lists.

this weekend was full of:
  • some creative time making the girls some barrettes Photobucket
  • little helpers, begging to help.
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  • lots of excitement in the late night hours. a few streets over a party got out of hand and a fist fight turned into a crime scene.....scary. then last night a minivan plowed into two parked cars two doors down from our house.
  • garage cleaning was underway, until i had to quit an hour into it with my heart hurting. but we made progress. here it was before we started: Photobucket
  • and the progress we made. far from done, but it's a start.......this is all being donated!
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  • lots of time watching the 2008 Olympics in Bejing unfold and listening to a little girl's dreams unfold of someday competing there herself. she's been practicing....
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  • "look mommy, my teeth make an L now" giggle, giggle, giggle. she lost her 4th tooth saturday night, after just losing the 3rd one wednesday. we had to convince her the tooth fairy is on vacation until thursday. we checked on (wink). (darn gas prices!....and doctor bills) Photobucket
  • some laying on the heating pad and wishing i had some vicodin because i've done something to agravate my back.........again. i was just saying how long it had been since i had a flair up. i suppose i didn't knock on the wood long enough.
  • emma is running, jumping, playing, throwing fits, EATING and not complaining of her tummy hurting! FINALLY. i could do without the whole fit throwing though.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Ash is so big!! And I love the toothless grin :) did they get so big so fast? Wasn't it yesterday we were running around with 2 very little girls and hanging out? She's so beautiful. Abby has been asking about her. I know we always say this but I sure wish we could get together. Maybe I can work it in next time I go to my parents. With gas prices it wouldn't be so bad to stop on the way down. We sure miss you guys! Sorry my comment turned into an email! Love ya


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