day 1, wednesday. ashlyn was home sick from school for the third day in a row and hyped up on the after effects of cough syrup with codiene. the day after taking that stuff she's always juiced. and emma. i don't know what it was, but man, she was a little firecracker the first day. i'm chalking it up to all the drugs she had. she seriously acted like nothing ever happened to her. MANY times throughout the day, i had to dry tears from her eyes because "ashwee hurt my ears, momma." she can definitely hear better and every little noise has her jumpy. loud noises send her through the roof. uncle jeff and aunt jill stopped over with barbies and later grams and papa came over with a stuffed horse---with fuzz (yes, the addiction is still goin' on), that emma thinks is a unicorn. she named it Unicorny.
day 2, thursday. ashlyn went back to school. much easier for me to keep activities quiet and restful. i brought a crib mattress down to the playroom and cleaned up my studio while she snuggled in with Unicorny and watched a cartoon.

that didn't last too long. she didn't want to be out of my sight. so she joined me in the studio. she thought up what she wanted to make and called all the shots on what it should look like. i was the pattern maker. too cute. she's doing so much better with paper and glue.

so, a purple dinosaur it was "with a red tail and 6 red feet, momma. see. one, two, fwee, four, five, SIX!" oh, and googly eyes.

then it was back in her little bed to watch another toon. again, that didn't last too awfully long before she was back with another idea. this time a puppy. just when i thought she was all done, she spotted a piano sticker in my stash. i hadn't a clue what she'd use it for, but she plopped it right down and called them teeth. "this one's for my daddy boy."

we played the day away. i saved the day by cutting off the feet of a 18/24 mo. Mickey costume when it wouldn't fit and the tears started to flow. snip, snip, and the day was saved. perfect outfit for a game of candyland...

then, cards......

she's pretty good at Go Fish...

and Memory Match...and flashes the cutest smile with each and every match.

then, we wrapped up our marathon gaming session with a healthy dose of LiteBrite before daddy and ashlyn made it home.

day 3, friday. i had to wake her up this morning to walk ash to the bus stop. she rarely ever sleeps in...actually, she's my alarm clock. after that, we had to take a quick jaunt out of the house for a one hour appointment and a quick trip to the drug store to stock up on wax ear plugs for the little miss. we were home before 11am. this has been her worst day yet. a low grade fever setting in, quite the fussbucket, easily fatigued and many complaints of a headache. i couldn't get her to take any pain medication, but she clearly needed it. we postponed lunch and went straight down for a nap. and slept until 2pm. that seemed to do the trick, but she remained worn down all day.
day 4, saturday. it was a rough night. whining in her sleep all night until 4am when doug finally convinced her that tylenol was her friend. today she woke up a much happier child and has been playing, although not so restfully nor quietly. it's harder to keep her down with ashlyn romping all over the place. but i think we're over the hump. i was hoping to take them to a pumpkin farm this weekend, but after her reaction from an hour outing yesterday, i think we'll pass.
happy saturday friends! (((((GO BUCKEYES!!!)))

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