Sunday, July 26, 2009

candyART, AKA: Christmas in July.

everything is good in moderation, right? i'm okay with the girls having candy but there does come a point where this mama can't endure picking up wrappers and breaking up squabbles over the tiny pieces of sugary sweetness any longer. can anyone guess how we spent our rainy saturday afternoon!?

yesterday was a morning full of bickering and just general sibling rivalry going on around these parts. there is nothing that annoys me more as a mother than watching my kids disrespect each other. i LOVE to think of creative ways to dissapate all that negative energy.

usually it's in the form of an activity they must participate in together to help build their cooperation skills. so we did just that.

yesterday in particular, they were fighting over candy. they scored big time at the 3 Independence Day parades we went to. so instead of a threat of "i'm gonna throw it away if i hear one more arguement," i decided to deem the day as Christmas in July.

as a family, they had to sit and unwrap every last piece of remaining candy left in an attempt to use it up to create a beautiful creative mess as they learned once again to cooperate, and share, and trade, and speak nicely to one another---all while creating a sugary sweet masterpiece.

THIS is why i'm the crazy person that goes out shopping in the week between Christmas and New Years to snag up some 90% off gingerbread houses---that no one else seems to want because there is always an abundance of them. $1.00 each.

it rained yesterday. for $1.00, you couldn't ask for a better rainy day activity.

and it worked. a little over and hour of working towards the same goal and the rest of the evening was bliss. all the while they were singing the tune "what's gonna work? teeeeeaam work." well.....when they didn't have their mouths stuffed full of candy and icing, LOL.





only problem, i'm out of candy and the bickering continues. hrmph.

1 comment:

  1. Where the heck were you when my kids were smaller?!?! I are a genious!! I wish I would have thought of and done that when my kids they're too old!


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