Friday, December 04, 2009

this.that. and the other.

while i was making these...

for the sweet & sassy Spidergirl to share with her classmates at school to celebrate turning five (tomorrow)....

the Princess was working away for the third evening in a row on a little gift for her sister.

it's amazing that we haven't watched Spongebob in this house in a long, long time, but yet she remembers how the characters look with vivid detail.

i pulled up an image on the computer just because the detail in which she was describing them to me surely couldn't be as accurate as she thought. but by golly, the girl has a photographic memory that doesn't fail her. just like her dad.

i took way too may pictures of her making this piece. it is from constructed from a few pieced of foamcore that almost reached their final destination in the trash. she asked that i tape them together to make a big long piece. it's about 12" tall by 40" long and embellished with craft foam mainly.


this double fisting markers is such a daily thing for her. if she isn't eating, she's got a fistful of markers or crayons in both hands, drawing something--anything. i'm happy to have finally captured it on film, even if it is a blurry shot.


as much as she tried to keep it a surprise, Spidergirl has already caught glimpses of it and is super excited that it's for her. more kidART to adorn my walls. *smiles*

she's working on the area where Spongebob and Patrick are going to be jellyfishing. the jellyfish net is the cutest thing ever! she used some netting cut from an onion bag for the net and attached it with my gluedots. so cute! she needs her own supply of gluedots though. she's discovered how incredibly awesome they are for art!

handmade gifts are the best ever, don'tcha think!?


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, "Spidergirl"! ;)
    And Bikini Bottom never looked so good - great job, Ashlyn!
    If you get a chance, hope you can post her finished work of art.


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