Friday, January 22, 2010

on our way to the hospital...

with Spidergirl for a chloride sweat test. this should be quite interesting dressing her in layer upon layer trying to get her to sweat (ew, gross!).

with her chronic over production of mucous, wheezing or breathing issues, her doctor is suspecting she might just be positive for cystic fibrosis.

peeks will resume soon.

and tomorrow i'll point you in the direction for a giveaway (a free pass to Embellishments: Beautifully Handmade)

happy friday!


  1. good luck!

    My doctor suspected cystic fibrosis as well. I tested negative for that. I'm just a chronic producter of mucous, and have chronic breathing issues. hang in there!

  2. Wishing you all the best at the doctors visit.


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