Thursday, April 08, 2010

Easter photo essay + some words

isn't that vegetable tray with the sculpted bread turned bunny adorable!? my step-mom always makes the coolest food displays. she made the cute bunny cupcakes for the kids too----and sent them home with all the leftovers. grams is good at spoilin'.

every Easter my kids look forward to spending Easter day with grams and papa (my dad).

dinner is usually mid-day with ham and lamb as part of the main meal, dessert immediately following (to know my family is to know dessert never waits), with an Easter egg hunt to follow---one where even the big kids can't always find where the eggs are hiding, then of course, opening every single egg and sorting the candy and money into ziploc bags and labeling them.

then the the grandkids open a gift from grams and papa---always a new pair of pajamas, flying kites or playing yard games, and this year meeting my brother's girlfriend, then standing around watching him try to fix said girlfriend's brakes while the kids sat in the side yard and colored in the shade, then ending the visit with several games of bunny bingo.

our eggs are usually colored before Easter, but we just got ours done last night.

late is better than never in my book.

as usual, they each got a dozen eggs. spidergirl dropped 5 into her cups as soon as they were set in front of her. ashlyn, on the other hand, took 20 minute just waiting on her first egg to get to just the right shade of hot pink. two completely different children, they are.

in other's tax season. and when you work for an accountant during tax season, it means you come home exhausted every single night. especially when you're usually only a part-time employee, but now you're working full-time hours.

7 more days........
7 more days..........
7 more days................

that's what i keep telling myself. ha.

i have nothing creative to share at the moment. i haven't been in the studio in 7 days.......say what!?

i'll have to remedy that, tonight, maybe? that is, after i find the top of my tables. it's bad. real bad. maybe i'll get brave and take a picture. maybe.

did you have a lovely Easter?


  1. Love the photo essay! Looks like you had a wonderful time.
    And - wow, that bunny-shaped bread is adorable...gotta file that idea away for next Easter.

  2. I love the bunny bread---

    My Easter was great--we spent it at my Uncles and lunch and an egg hunt--we had over 200 eggs this year and NO< they didn't all get found.

  3. Looks like you had a wonderful Easter, fantastic photos! Thanks for sharing.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your Easter sounds like fun and plenty of good eating. We celebrate my birthday, its only the 2nd time that Easter and my birthday have fallen on the same day in my life time. Next time will be 2021. Thanks for sharing your picture with us.


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