Wednesday, July 07, 2010

red, white & boom: downtown Columbus

i'm in one of my introverted phases, could ya tell? just feeling very quiet lately.

so, i'm making it a semi-wordless wednesday. ha. photos from Red, White & Boom. click on any photo to make it larger. :)

(the husband & spidergirl)
(the husband's cousin (Suzi) & spidergirl)
(the husband's cousins, andrea & suzi)
(spidergirl: "make me a kitty mommy.")
(still carrying the baby and still sucking the thumb)
(grams reading to spidergirl)
(our view from the rooftop at sunset)
(ash teaching grams how to boondoogle)
(spidergirl on cloud nine with her light-up sword)
(ash unenthused with a light up pacifier)
(smiles all around)
(grams getting a teeth whitening....or something imaginative like that)
(papa...can't tell where they get their ornery gene from can you!?)
(downtown lights)
(the 25 minute fireworks display)

1 comment:

  1. Where are all the pictures of you lovely! I know you took some and I know they were good! :)


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