Friday, July 22, 2011

all because of him....

...i'm keeping my sanity. i love us. and him. and i'm so ready to go on vacation with just our little family. it can't come soon enough.

i have lots more to share, but not enough time to share it--just yet. but i wanted to pop in and say thank you for all your love and prayers. your comments lift me up and encourage me.

i'll be back to blogging regularly soon.

in the meantime, spidergirl would appreciate prayers that her allergies would stay in check this weekend. she currently looks like she's been sucker punched in both eyes from the swelling. thankfully she's not wheezing.


  1. Hello Tania! I am praying and will continue to pray for all of you!
    I was reading your blog the other night and my eight year old came up and became quite intrigued with your girls. She keeps asking if we can go back and read more about Spider Girl. We care!!

  2. glad you have good support! Best wishes,


thank you for taking time to connect with me in this space! i will do my best to leave comments answering any questions you may ask. if you are commenting on an older post and you dont see your comment publish right away it is because I have comments set to be approved before publishing on any blog posts older than 10 days old due to a recent influx of comment spammers. i will see your comment, approve it and reply to you....if it isnt spam. xoxo :)


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