Tuesday, October 11, 2011

a little looney around here....

yep. looney is the name of the game. it's how we roll. :)

as soon as i saw this photo download to the computer i cracked up laughing. it's a true representation of what life feels like right now for all of us...crazy!

if you don't laugh you'll be crying in your cheerios.

i've got spidergirl home sick today and 24 project deadlines on my task list all due by October 24th.

so instead of editing pictures for the blog, i'm taking advantage of this newly discovered time at home to edit 7 video tutorials.

i'll catch you back here tomorrow! be good.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! And it definately doesn't need to be altered because it is perfect. The colors are great.

    And I think we all know that feeling that if you don't laugh you will just break down and cry. Hang in there!


thank you for taking time to connect with me in this space! i will do my best to leave comments answering any questions you may ask. if you are commenting on an older post and you dont see your comment publish right away it is because I have comments set to be approved before publishing on any blog posts older than 10 days old due to a recent influx of comment spammers. i will see your comment, approve it and reply to you....if it isnt spam. xoxo :)


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