Wednesday, September 12, 2007


finally, i'm sharing pictures of the first and second day of school. didn't have the perfect lighting situation and ash is VERY sensitive to sunlight, thus the shielding her eyes in some of the pictures.

she did WONDERFUL the first day of school. getting up early, getting dressed, the normal morning routine, brush teeth, hair, eat breakfast, watch a show on tv. she shocked me completely when the bus pulled up, she grabbed her backpack and took off running for the bus. no whining, no crying, nothing. so cool.

emma on the other hand cried for 30 minutes because she didn't get to go on the bus with ashie.

she came home from school sooooooo excited telling me all about her day and an art project she did with white crayon and marker scribbles that made a secret message magically appear.

suzi spoiled her rotten with ballons, cupcakes, and some crazy fun crayola princess book.

oh, and her only complaint...."it's soooooooo long mommy." pfffffft. she's there for 2 hrs and 40 minutes.

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and then the second day.....and third......and many more days hereafter i'm sure. she woke up crying. cried while i dressed her. cried while i brushed her hair. begged not to go. "can't you just call me in to skip school today mommy?" cried when she got on the bus. cried all the way to school. cried getting off the bus. and calms down after her teacher helps her settle into a good sensory pattern.

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then she comes home bounding off the bus, making a beeline to the yard, dancing about, picking dandelions and singing tralalalalalaaaaa like it was the best day of her life.
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i know this is what's best for her. i know she'll grow leaps and bounds in learning to deal with the situations that cause her to go into a sensory meltdown. i know it will get easier. but, dang, why does it have to be so hard?

oh, and she's home sick today. sick already. day 4 of school. *sigh* she's got the worse cough i've ever heard a kid have. i have a feeling she'll be sick a lot this year. par for the course.

and i've been promising forever. some of ash's artwork.
coming's already scanned. finally.

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