Wednesday, August 06, 2008 promised.

all art by ashlyn created sometime during the months of April 2008-July 2008.

ashlyn eats, breathes, dreams ART. anything having to do with art. a day without drawing, coloring, constructing, etc is like a day without food to her. first thing she does when she wakes up is heads to her artdesk to do something--anything---creative. i completely LOVE it!

i just love how these bumblebees have smilie faces on them. she doesn't think real bumblebees are such happy little bugs, at all. i think this one came about after watching the Bee movie when she was momentarily in the "bees really are okay" mindset.

her favorite cartoon is arthur. she did this one freehand by watching the creator of arthur during one of the commercial blurbs talk about how he draws the character from start to finish.

still obsessed with drawing butterflies. remember, butterfly=big grammy in her world.

people. love the two teeny, tiny people hanging out there at the bottom.

and a candy bar. yes. a candy bar. she wanted a candy bar---a hershey's chocolate one to be exact---and we didn't have one, so she made one. or so she says.

and emma. she just doesn't cling to art at all. she'll last a minute or two coloring, drawing or playing with playdoh, but that's about her limit. completely polar opposite from ashlyn. so her drawings haven't blossomed much from the messy circle and two dots for eyes. but i LOVE them, oh so much!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh - that Ashlyn is getting GOOD! It's really so much fun to see how drawings emerge from kids' imaginations. LOVE the candy bar. You go girl, Ashlyn!


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