Tuesday, August 04, 2009

surgery twice in less than a year....

come thursday, this sweet little face isn't going to be so smiley. she'll need lots of extra attention, and snuggling, and.........POPCICLES. which i know she doesn't mind at all. she's our popcicle eating machine, so i'm confident that the post-op orders to eat lots and lots of the icy treats won't be hard to enforce. fingers crossed anyway.

this time we're having surgery at Children's which is a familiar place to her thanks to many visits to the ER during an asthma attack. she doesn't seem to have any fears or worries at all. in fact she skips around proclaiming to anyone that will listen......."i'm having surgery on my neck and i get to eat whatever pahschels (popcicles) i want." very matter of factly.

she's having a tonsillectomy and a revision on her adenoids. the previous doctor either didn't get all of her adenoid tissue during her first surgery (in october) or the tissue is starting to grow back.

yesterday we went on a "surgical" tour where she got to see where she'd be and learn about the whole process from start to finish and see the rooms where she'd be for recovery and if she needs to have a sleepover at the hospital.

she's most excited though that she can take whatever she wants to surgery and can watch her own DVDs on her own TV in her own room while she waits her turn. the things that excite kids, eh?

oh and we can't forget the fish, and the bottlecap art (above), and the bird sculpture hanging from the ceiling, and the nemo room with all the trinkets for being a good patient. Children's hospital is like going to a kid's art museum. lots of cool artwork everywhere that is amazing to look at---most of it using recyclable materials............and the PERFECT distraction for little ones (and mommy while waiting during surgery) making the hospital a not so scary place.



  1. Hope her surgery goes well and they get it all this time. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Oh Tania, I hope the surgery goes well and this finally takes care of the problem!!

  3. I love Children's in Minneapolis..it's alot like the one there! Good luck to Emma and give her lots and lots of hugs from us Trump's!


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