Wednesday, August 04, 2010

KidART from ART Camp by Spidergirl

the girls enjoyed a week long art camp through their summer care program last week. so this is mostly a show-n-tell for the grandparents.

i wish i would have thought to ask them what the art prompt was or what process they were taught to come up with these creations.

i'll never ever tire of seeing her write her name. to watch her do it is even more entertaining. she concentrates SO hard on getting that 'a' so perfect. a circle with a tail. but it always ends up looking like a 'q'. i can't remember when the 'E' lost all the extra appendages. *sniff* she's growing up.

with the dark circles and the wider strip of blue, i think this one looks like it's raining orange candy.

you can see her impatience for coloring & staying on task with this piece. she started coloring in the middle, ever so carefully, staying in the lines and then got bored real quick and filled in the blanks with large scribbles. she does this a lot. i imagine something more exciting grabbed her attention. coloring just isn't her thing.

i completely *adore* this dragonfly. adore.

and well, this. ummmmmmm, i'm not quite sure what it is. i'll have to ask her. but, by golly, i think she gets and A+ for effort! heee.

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