Sunday, January 09, 2011

december daily: day 20 - 22

day 20:
after work shopping, shopping, shopping at Easton

day 21:
after work shopping, shopping, shopping

i actually took pictures both of these days, but someone deleted my entire photo gallery on my phone. including the video i took for day 23. boo. :(

day 22:

came home to a wonderful little package from my friend Amanda. she has such a beautiful blog, you should bookmark it!

she ranks up there, with a few others, as one of the most thoughtful people i know. i really wish she lived closer.

she sent me this handmade ornament with a sentiment on the back that says "a part of something special. 2009 to 2010"

my photo comes no where near doing it justice. it's so beautiful.

you might remember, she sent me an ornament last year too. each year, i cry.

just another happy reminder of why i love scrapbooking. it connects hearts across the globe. and connects stories. i'll forever hold my time contributing to the Good Grief blog in my heart.

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