Monday, April 25, 2011

from the archives...

Easter, from the archives. 4 years ago, to be exact. Spidergirl, looking more like a Smurf.

this was....
before we knew she had severe allergies
before all four of her surgeries
before medications consumed our lives
before Mom died
before i lost friends
before i lost trust
before ashlyn's diagnosis
before bitterness was such a recognizable emotion
before i started working outside of the home again
before my brother was a familiar part of my life again

a lot can change in four years.

and i sit here wondering exactly when things changed.

conclusion: today is just a rough day. that's all.

1 comment:

thank you for taking time to connect with me in this space! i will do my best to leave comments answering any questions you may ask. if you are commenting on an older post and you dont see your comment publish right away it is because I have comments set to be approved before publishing on any blog posts older than 10 days old due to a recent influx of comment spammers. i will see your comment, approve it and reply to you....if it isnt spam. xoxo :)


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