Wednesday, March 21, 2012

hello, my name is tania, and.....

hello, my name is tania and i made some really cute bunny softies out of felt and knee-high socks from Target. you should whip yourself up one or two. it's easy, i promise. just follow my tutorial over on the Fiskars website: Bunny Plushies by Tania Willis

hello, my name is tania and my full-time job is running from one doctor to the next. no, seriously. it is. 19 visits in the last 81 days. :(

hello, my name is tania and i'm really thankful that doug took spidergirl to the emergency room for her asthma attack two nights ago and gave me a break from the medical madness that consumes my life. (4th visit to the ER for the same thing in 4 months time)

hello, my name is tania and i really, really miss sharing stories and inspiring through my experiences. we've had lots of them to share.

hello, my name is tania and i currently have 10 blog posts in draft format waiting for me to finish and post.

hello, my name is tania and i'm married to one awesometastic, fantastic dude. i'd seriously be in a lot more pain without his consistent unwavering help.

hello, my name is tania and i'm currently bargaining with God to just heal my daughter from allergies and asthma already. for the first time ever she said "mommy, why did God make me this way?" how do you answer that one!?

hello, my name is tania and i need a maid to help get my house under control.........any volunteers?

hello, my name is tania and wish i had the brain cells to write something of substance in this space.

hello, my name is tania and my blogging time is up because i need to head out the door to take spidergirl to the doctor............again. hoping this is the last time for a looooooong time. chances are it won't be.

hello, my name is tania and i'm done complaining now.

oh, more thing.....
hello, my name is tania and i'm curious to know after having to read my name all those times, how do you pronounce "tania"?

(for the record i pronounce it "tahn-ya"....much like you'd say "tonya"....but i've heard lots of fascinating pronunciations in my life!)

1 comment:

  1. I was pronouncing it the way you do. Interesting spelling for it.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com


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