i recently sat down with my Little Yellow Bicycle Saturdays collection to put together a fun and funky accordion album sandwiched together with inexpensive decorative casing blocks found at my local hardware store.
what makes this album unique is the constructions of the innard pieces that allow the album to be displayed and viewed from both sides. it creates a 6 panel display on the front and a 4 panel display on the back.
there are also a few diamond-shaped bump outs to help give it even more interest and stability. although the front and back album pieces (decorative casing blocks) are what really help this album stand firmly.
even though the back side of the album only shows 4 panels, you can still display the same amount of photos & journaling thanks to this little 'enjoying the sweet life' booklet.
the booklet opens up to reveal several more folds and flip-out pages perfect for storing additional photos, journaling and embellishments. don't be scared off by the detailed look of this album, because i've created a training reel showing you exactly how to piece together the innards of the album and also how to create the flip and fold-out booklet.
once you have that down, you can download the extensive detailed instructions with detailed photographs of each and every panel in the album so you can recreate one of your very own.
this-----definately gonna do this! Thanks sooooooo much for sharing in a video---Just seeing the finished project--it looked hard to do but after seeing your video---it is rather wimple---just some measuring, cutting and glueing--
Your finished project is beautiful. Thanks again!
ps...I've been sick for over a week now and have not been doing much on the computer---so was very happy when I found your video today!
pss---Hope you don't have to visit the ER or a doctor today!
thank you for taking time to connect with me in this space! i will do my best to leave comments answering any questions you may ask. if you are commenting on an older post and you dont see your comment publish right away it is because I have comments set to be approved before publishing on any blog posts older than 10 days old due to a recent influx of comment spammers. i will see your comment, approve it and reply to you....if it isnt spam. xoxo :)
you know I'm measuring challnged right? So I'll just drool over yours from a distance...love how crisp and clean it looks with the white trims :)
this-----definately gonna do this!
Thanks sooooooo much for sharing in a video---Just seeing the finished project--it looked hard to do but after seeing your video---it is rather wimple---just some measuring, cutting and glueing--
Your finished project is beautiful.
Thanks again!
ps...I've been sick for over a week now and have not been doing much on the computer---so was very happy when I found your video today!
pss---Hope you don't have to visit the ER or a doctor today!
Wishing you a Super Duper Weekend!