Tuesday, February 10, 2009

unexpected detours. part 4.

remember the love letters to to my girls?
if not, you can read them here:
Part 1: Letter to My Girls
Part 2: Girl meets Boy
Part 3: Learning the Hard Way

new direction. new beginnings.
August 1999.
Daddy attended an event in the mountains. An event that is powerful than any other I’ve attended. The Prayer Advance.

A place you go to meet with God, a place to be inspired by godly men, a place to be instructed in righteousness, and a place you feeling a burning desire to seek revival in the hearts and minds of God’s people.

Daddy attended this event with an open mind and an open heart. It was at the Prayer Advance that daddy realized the reason God spared his life after that car accident the Summer of 1992. (detailed in Part 2 - link above.)

God was calling him to bigger and better things on this earth. Calling upon daddy to share his testimony. Calling on daddy to change the lives of young people. God’s desire was for daddy to use his life to spread the truth to the youth of America.

Unexpected? Yes. Willing? Absolutely.

So we started planning the next step. Daddy was going to go to college. After seeking the Lord on what steps to take next He faithfully guided us each step of the way.

Daddy was working for the government at the Franklin County Courthouse and mommy was working at the accounting firm--the same one I work at today. But in December of 1999 we both quit both our high paying jobs, packed all of our belongings and headed to Canton, OH for daddy to attended Bible College at Massillon Baptist Temple.

No jobs to lean on. No family or friends around. We were finally in the exact place that God wanted us--living on total faith and trust in Him.

Life Lesson to Learn:
God is always speaking to us, but it is up to us to listen and learn.

If you keep your heart soft and open toward the things of God, He will show you great and mighty things. He will never let you down. Money can’t buy happiness. Your job can’t buy happiness. Things can’t buy happiness. Happiness is living on total faith in God and God alone. He is the only one who can provide you happiness and meet every single one of your needs.

(to be continued...)


  1. Powerful. What a lovely idea to write these things down for your girls. You are a fabulous woman and mother!

  2. Tania, I have enjoyed reading about the call on your Daddy's life. Glad that you found the secret to happiness. I live by faith also and I can tell you it isn't always easy....but it is so rewarding. Can't wait for you to finish your story! lol


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